Piedmont's world heritage sites

The Piedmont Sites registered in the World Heritage of Humanity List


Savoy Residences

Le Residenze Sabaude del Piemonte sono iscritte dal 1997 nella Lista del Patrimonio Mondiale.

Palazzo RealeThe Savoy Residences of Piedmont have been registered in the World Heritage List since 1997.


The Savoy family, after the transfer of the capital from Chambéry to Turin (1562), between the end of the sixteenth century and the middle of the nineteenth century entrusted the principal architects and artists of its own court with the creation of prestigious residences, as evidence of the growing power acquired in Italy and Europe. Thus began an architectural and town planning journey with Turin at its centre and radiating into the surrounding region, into what has become known as the "Crown of Delights", aimed at recreation and the chase.

Each residence is distinguished by particular characteristics which, in their entirety, offer an extraordinary fresco of the history of Piedmont and of Italy, with particular reference to the events that led - against the backdrop of European history - to the formation of the unitary State: a unique cultural, historical, architectural and environmental circuit, usable and visitable, that has an exceptional universal value and deserves protection for the benefit of all humanity.

Part of the World Heritage in Turin are: Palazzo Reale, Palazzo Madama, Palazzo Chiablese, Palazzo Carignano, Armeria Reale, Archivio di Stato, Palazzo della Prefettura, the Cavallerizza, the ex Accademia Militare, the ex Zecca di Stato, the facade of Teatro Regio, Castello del Valentino, Villa della Regina.

Outside the city: Castello di Moncalieri, Castello di Stupinigi, Reggia di Venaria Reale, Borgo Castello alla Mandria, Castello di Rivoli, Castello di Agliè, Castello di Racconigi, Castello di Govone, Agenzia di Pollenzo.


The Sacred Mountains of Piedmont and Lombardy

The nine Sacri Monti (Sacred Mountains) of Northern Italy are groups of chapels and other architectural structures erected between the XVI and the XVII century, dedicated to different aspects of Christian faith. In addition to their symbolic and spiritual significance, they possess considerable qualities of beauty, virtue and pleasantness and are integrated into a natural and landscape setting of hills, woods and lakes; they also contain exhibits of absolute importance. For these reasons, in 2003, UNESCO registered the site “Sacred Mountains of Piedmont and Lombardy” in the World Heritage List.
The prestigious recognition attributes a universal value to seven sites in Piedmont (Belmonte, Crea, Domodossola, Ghiffa, Oropa, Orta and Varallo) and two in Lombardy (Ossuccio and Varese).

The Sacred Mountains of Piedmont are included in the system of the Areas protected by the Piedmont Region, which provides for their historical-artistic preservation under the protection of the Office of Architectural and Landscape Heritage for the provinces of Novara, Alessandria and Verbano-Cusio-Ossola, guarantees the interventions of maintenance and protection of the natural environment of the parks.


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